Before you sign any papers there are some basic rules that you follow.
First, you read what it is you have so sign and ask your self why.
Second, you have to be sure that you don't renounce any of your rights.
Third, you need to have a copy of the paper for your self.
Fourth, make sure that the date and place is correct.
In the PPS project, the employees has been told to sign a paper about confidentiality. This paper is violating your basic rights, therefore we recommend you not to sign the paper. In your contract with Sellbytel (which is your employer) you have already signed this confidentiality, the only deferens is that Sellbytel do not obligate you to NEVER talk about your work as stated in the document that they ask you to sing now.
Remember, you are always in your rights to consult us before you sign anything.
If you already have signed it, we recommend you to ask your Supervisor/Manager to give you the paper back.