jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

News / Noticias

10/12/2012 – 14/12/2012

·         Reunión con RRHH sobre el documento de “antecedentes penales”.
Meeting with HR regarding the document “police record”

·         Negociamos una sanción de 11 días de suspensión a 5 días para un empleado en A- 
We negotiated a sanction of 11 days suspension to 5 days for an employee in A-

·         Vacaciones, conflicto resuelto. SV obligaba los empleados tomar todos sus vacaciones antes de 31/12
Holidays, conflict solved.
SV forced employees to take all there holidays before the 31/12

·         Finiquito calculado incorrecto, Resuelto
Termination calculated wrong, solved

·         Insatisfacción en A-, empleados amenaza hacer huelga. Abre reuniones entre empleados, managers, y UGT
Dissatisfaction in A-, employees calling strike. Meeting between employees, managers and UGT will be held

·         Agente trabajando como PM sin contrato. Novación y modificación salarial resuelto
Agent working as PM without contract. Renewal and modification of salary solved

·         Reunión con Helena Guardans sobre las pausas PVD y el software instalado. Acuerdo- conjunto UGT y la Empresa, vamos a ver, proyecto por proyecto, como implementar la PVD sin molestias para el empleado y sin perjudicar el proyecto.
Meeting with Helena Guardans about the PVD breaks, and the software installed. Agreement- together UGT and the company, we will be working, project by project, on how to implement the PVD break without inconveniences to the employee and without harm to the project.

·         Justicia. Una empleada despida durante su maternidad. UGT presente por parte de la empleada, CC.OO Marisol venia por parte de la Empresa.
In court. An employee dismissed during her maternity leave. UGT present on behalf of the employee, CC.OO Marisol on behalf of the company.

·         Reunión del Comité de la Empresa. CC.OO no se presenta
Meeting in workers committee. CC.OO did not represent them self

·         Permanencia martes y jueves en Diagonal, y viernes en Mas Blau. Varios consultas tratadas.
Office hours Tuesday and Thursday in Diagonal, and Friday in Mas Blau. Various consultations handled.

·         Lufthansa, Kraft, Epson y Wacom. UGT y la Empresa no están de acuerdo sobre vacaciones obligadas los días 24/12 y 31/12.
UGT and the company do not agree about forced holidays on the 24/12 and 31/12

lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012


El 23 de enero 2013, hay votaciones para el Comité de la Empresa.

El primero que tienes que hacer es controlar si tu nombre está en el censo publicado por parte de la Empresa. Si tú has estado en la Empresa más que un mes, tú nombre debe que está en el censo.
Si no, mandarnos un email.

On the 23rd of January 2013, there are vocations for the workers committee.

The first thin you have to do is to check that your name is in the list published by the company.
If you have been in the company more than 1 month, your name has to be there.
If not, please send us an email.


The company has never agreed with the art. 54 in the collective agreement.

The art. 54 in the collective agreement says that the employees shall have 5 minutes break every hour. The breaks are considered as working time, and cannot affect any of the other breaks mentioned en the collective agreement.

The company has never agreed with this article, as mentioned, and apparently neither has Marisol, the trade union CCOO in the company.
And lately we have seen that Marisol CCOO, is asking employees to sign a paper that, according to our opinion,  is against the art. 54 - which is against workers rights, the collective agreement and the Spanish law.

Due to that fact that Marisol CCOO, did not agree with the collective agreement, we have had many negotiations with many difficulties, with the company, and we even had to get assistant from ITC (Inspeccion de Trabell Catalunya), who came out with a report in our favour.

But - thanks to our hard work, we do now have an agreement with the company about the PVD breaks. We will together, UGT and the company, investigate, project by project, how the PVD break can be implemented and organised, in the daily routines, without the installed software, without any inconveniences for the employees, and without affecting the project negatively. 

This will properly take a couple of months, but it will be worth it.

sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

IN COURT, dismissal during maternity leave

Thursday the 13th of December, the dismissal of a employee was proceeded in the court.

The employee worked in the A- Store project, was dismissed during her maternity leave.
UGT protested at the time, but the company insisted that they could dismiss her.

After many month the case finally came to court.

Present in court, on behalf of the employee, was Niels, UGT, in her defends.
On behalf of the company was Javier, the company lawyer, and Marisol, trade union CC.OO in the compay

In 2 to 4 weeks, the court will publish the sentence

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012




Sellbytel has existed in more than 10 years
 without implementing the breaks PVD (5 minutes every hour).

UGT did make a demand against the company in the Labor Inspection,
and told the company to IMPLEMENT THE PVD IMMEDIATELY.

Sellbytel has informed us that this cannot be implemented for the time being






lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

UGT discover error in the 2012 arrears (back pays)

2012 Arrears
Thanks to the communications received from some employees, and after analyzing how the calculations were done, we, UGT, found mistakes in the calculations. After several and intensive meetings (UGT Vs Sellbytel) the company finally admitted the mistake and commits to pay the 2012 missing arrears with the November payroll.

Tip: ask for the spreadsheet arrears calculations to HR to see if everything is correct. If you have any doubts, we are on the sixth floor.


Gracias a las comunicaciones hechas por algunos empleados, y tras analizar los cálculos de atrasos de gran parte de los trabajadores, hemos detectado un error. Después de varias reuniones (UGT vs Empresa), la empresa finalmente admite también que ha habido un  error y se compromete pagar la parte de atrasos 2012 no pagada hasta el momento en la nomina del mes de noviembre.
  Consejo: que cada uno pida la hoja de calculo personal de los atrasos a RRHH, para ver si todo es correcto. Para cualquier duda, estamos en la sexta planta.
Gràcies a les comunicacionsfetes per algunsempleats, idesprésd'analitzarelscàlculsd'endarreriments de gran partdelstreballadors, hemdetectatl'error. Després de diversesreunions(Ugt Vs Sellbtytel) l'empresafinalmentadmet també que hi ha hagut unaerrada i es compromet a pagar la partd'endarreriments del 2012 no pagada fins ara a la nòmina del mes de noviembre.

Consell: que cadascúdemani el full de càlcul personal delsendarreriments a rrhh, per veure si totéscorrecte. Per qualsevol cosa, estem en la sisena planta.