miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Sellbytel interpreting the law their own way

Sellbytel is interpreting the law about protection of personal data

In the project Vaesa-Seat, Sellbytel is obligating the Employees to sign a document permitting Sellbytel and the client to use their images and personal data when they want en where they want. We have to say that a Company cannot obligate any one to sign a document stating that they or the client can use their personal data when and where they want. This is according to our opinion a clear violation of the EU law protecting their citizens.

If they didn’t sign the document, they were told that they couldn’t continue in the project, (read dismissed). 2 Employees signed with objection, and they are now moved from their position.

The document has not previous been presented to us so we did not have the possibility to give our opinion.

The Employees has not been given a copy of the document they signed.

This is not the first time Sellbytel is obligating Employees to sign documents that are, if not, according to our opinion, directly violating the law they are in a gray area, and as usual we are not previous being presented the document.

We are in a crises, but the Companies are increasing their benefits, and now they want Employees working for the minimum salary, to give their accept to use their images in ads that has a value of millions of Euros for the Company.
This is what they call crisis? Pay less and earn more?


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