jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014


When Sellbytel gives you a warning they deduct your bonus that you have earned.
We have just received a verdict from the social court first instants, stating that this policy is not legal.

The court says clearly that they cannot deduct your bonus when they give you a warning

If Sellbytel has appealed we do not know at this moment


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miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Horas extraordinarias y complementarias, ¿sabes qué es la diferencia?

Si tienes un contrato de 39 horas todas las horas de más son horas extraordinarias y cobras un plus de 25 por cien.
Si tienes un contrato de menos de 39 horas y más de 30 horas, puedes hacer horas complementarias hasta las 39 horas, las horas serán pagadas como horas normales, y a continuación puedes tener horas extraordinarias (plus 25 por cien), recuerda, las horas máximas por semana son 48
Si tienes un contrato de 30 horas o menos, no puedes hacer horas adicionales si no tienes un acuerdo en escrito con la empresa y las máximas que puedes acordar son 30 por cien de las horas que tienes en el contrato. Horas extraordinarias no son legales con este tipo de contrato




martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Overtime and additional hours, do you know what the deference is?

If you have a 39 hours contract, all extra hours are overtime, and you get plus 25% per hour.
If you have a contract with less than 39 and more than 30 hours, you can work additional hours up till the 39 hours, they are paid as normal hours, and after these hours you can have overtime (+25%), remember, maximum working hours per week are 48 hours.
If you have a contract with 30 hours or less, you cannot have additional hours unless you have a written agreement with the company and the maximum additional hours you by law can agree to are 30% of the hours you have in your contract. Overtime is not legal with these contracts.



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