martes, 13 de agosto de 2013


Finally after two and a half year we do have a equality plan in the Company
It has taken months and several hundred man hours.
We do have it on print in our office, if you want to read it

We do now, after two and a half years, have an agreement with the Company about how to implement the article in our collective agreement mentioning that 30% of the staff do have to have a fixed contract

It is a long story and it is still ongoing. It is very clear that the Company won’t implement the article in the collective agreement mentioning the 5 minutes break every hour. We have tried to negotiate and we have been very large at many points, but they will not accept the fact that the PVD is part of our collective agreement

Regarding sanctions for being late at work, the Company has decided that the sanctions as maximum can be 7 days suspension when the warning is grave or very grave

We do have 35 hours per year to visit our doctor during working hours. These hours cannot be denied. All you have to do is to register them in SBW. This is the only official way to inform the Company that you need time to go to doctor.
The 35 hours in including the time used for transport



Después de dos años y medio, por fin tenemos un Plan de igualdad en la empresa. Ha costado muchos meses y horas negociarlo.

Lo tenemos imprimido en nuestra oficina, por si queréis echarle un vistazo.


Por fin hemos alcanzado un acuerdo con la empresa acerca del 30% de indefinidos obligatorio por convenio.


Es una historia muy larga y sigue en curso. Está muy claro para nosotros que la empresa no aplicará el artículo del convenio en el que tenemos que tener 5 minutos de pausa cada hora. Hemos intentado negociar en muchas ocasiones, pero no aceptarán que el PVD es parte de nuestro convenio.


En cuanto a las sanciones por retrasos al puesto de trabajo, la empresa ha decidido que la sanción máxima en la falta muy grave será de 7 días de suspensión en vez de entre 12 días y 2 meses como dice el convenio.


Disponemos de 35 horas al año para visitas médicas en el horario laboral. Estas horas no pueden ser denegadas. Lo único que tienes que hacer es registrarlas en SBW. Esta es la única manera oficial de informar a la empresa de que asistirás al médico. En las 35 horas se incluye el tiempo que utilizas en el médico más el tiempo de desplazamiento



lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013


Several employees goes to court demanding the Company for violating the labour law for giving economically sanctions when they give a warning

We are awaiting the outcome


Varios empleados han demandado al a Empresa por violar la ley laboral penalizando con sanciones económicas cuando tienen una falta (más conocido como aplicar multa de haber)

Estamos a la espera del resultado


Finally we do have an equality plan in Sellbytel.

UGT asked for the plan already in March 2011, and the Company informed us that there were no equality plan.
Since then we have been asking the Company several times to implement an equality plan, but without any luck.

Then April this year we got help from the ITC (Inspección de Trabell Catalunya) and that helped a lot.

Now the equality plan is in place, signed, and approved. Now we just need to see it on the Intranet.

UGT has been working hard in order to finish the plan. We had professional help coming from the union, and all, almost all, our suggesting's has been implemented in the equality plan. To start with, the Company thought that it could be done in 3 weeks, we told them that was impossible. And we were right. Several time the end date had to be postponed. After 3 month and several hundreds man hours, we succeed to finish the plan.

We welcome the new equality plan and we do hope that the plan will be implemented successfully in the Company policy.

If you have any questions, or if you want to read the equality plan, you are more than welcome to visit our office at any time. Here we do have the plan on print.


jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013


When you need to visit your doctor, you have to try to get the appointment in your free time. But as we all know, the doctors are very busy, and it can therefore be very difficult to get an appointment out of office hours. So in order to not wait to long to visit your doctor, you take the appointment you can get.

By the way, you don't have to call your medical centre to get the appointment, you can book it on the Internet,

Once you have the appointment, you book the time you need, including transport, in Sellby-World. The time you book in Sellby-World, does not have to be approved, nor can it be denied. Said with other words, you don't have to discuss the time you need to your medical visit.

You do have 35 hours per year to visit your doctor during office hours. These hours are not to be recovered.

If you use more than 35 hours per year to visit your doctor, the Company can choose to deduct the hours in your salary.


If you have any questions/doubts, please don't hesitate to contact us

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013



La Sección Sindical UGT informa a todos los empleados de Sellbytel Group, Barcelona:


El lunes 22 de julio de 2013, comparecimos en el Tribunal Laboral de Catalunya, para llegar por fin a un acuerdo entre la Empresa Sellbytel y el Sección Sindical sobre los contratos a convertir en indefinidos.


Ambas partes acuerdan que los criterios para designar aquellos trabajadores que pasan a la condición de fijos en plantilla sean:

-Que de los 74 trabajadores que faltan para llegar al 30% de indefinidos según convenio, 37 de ellos con una antigüedad en la Empresa antes de 31/12/2009 adquirirán la condición de fijos en plantilla por razones estrictas de antigüedad en la Empresa.

-Que para los 37 restantes que tienen que pasar a fija, se aplicarán los criterios según convenio.


El procedimiento de pase a fijos en plantilla detallado anteriormente deberá concluirse a 15 de Septiembre de 2013 como máximo

Changes in the pay slip

With the new system Meta4, you might have noticed that you no longer have 30 days on your pay slip. You have now 1 month.


So how do you calculate your salary if you worked less than 1 month?

The calculation is: [30/100*the worked days (natural days)]


Or you can use the table below:
