In January we are having elections for the workers legal representatives, also named committee members.
If you are interested, in being a candidate or in how it works, please contact us.
Contact us on this link
viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018
jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018
In our collective agreement art. 21 are wtritten:
Functional mobility within the company will be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, respecting, in all cases, the legal regime, guarantees and requirements established in the Statute of Workers.
Functional mobility within the same professional group cannot be carried out between radically different specialties, which require complex training processes of adaptation.
Within the professional group, the degree of requirements or performance of the functions performed at each moment will determine the level of remuneration that is applicable.
The functional mobility within the same professional group will not suppose reduction of the level of remuneration of origin.
Mobility for the performance of functions belonging to a higher professional group, as well as mobility for the performance of functions belonging to a lower professional group, will be regulated according to the provisions established in this regard in article 39 of the Workers' Statute.
When the company deems it necessary for a contracted person to carry out corresponding work at a higher level, this will receive, during the time in which it lends them, the salary corresponding to that level.
Those who perform functions of a higher level for six months at least in the period of one year, or for eight months at least, in a period of two years, will belong to the higher level corresponding to the functions performed. For these purposes, the computation must be daily, regardless of the number of hours of the day dedicated to higher level functions.
Mobility, when it involves changes between specialized technical management and management of general services, may be carried out provided that the new assigned functions are equivalent to those of provenance, understood equivalence in the terms established in article 22.3 of the Workers' Statute.
The worker may request the change of functions, both within a professional group and outside it. In these cases, the request must be reasoned, and the requirements established in this Agreement for the performance of the functions or position requested must be met. The company will give a reasoned response to the request within a month.
Functional mobility carried out by mutual agreement between the parties, shall respect the provisions of a general nature in this Agreement and in the applicable legislation.
Consequently, changes in functions other than those established in the previous sections will require the agreement of the parties or, failing that, the submission of the rules foreseen for the substantial modifications of the working conditions, in accordance with the provisions of article 41.1. f) of the Workers' Statute.
The payment of higher-level functions, when performed sporadically and paid by effective day, will be applied by dividing the difference between the monthly salary of both levels, between 30 and multiplied by 1.4.
Publicado por
Sección Sindical UGT, Concentrix/Webhelp Barcelona
jueves, octubre 18, 2018
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contact center,
derechos laborales,
tiempo de trabajo,
Barcelona, España
jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018
According to
our collective agreement the normal hours per year is maximum 1764, with a
maximum of 39 hours per week.
If you got an
irregular distribution of your working time the maximum hours per week is 48.
If you do
overtime the maximum extra hours per year is 80.
If you have
a contract of 30 hours or less, you are not aloud to do extra hours, only
complementary hours are aloud, and with maximum of 30% of the ordinary hours
you have according to your contract. The complementary hours must be notified
with at least 3 day, and you must agree to them. There is a document for the
complementary hours that you have to sign, if you agree. The complementary
hours are paid as a normal hour.
The difference
between the complementary hours and the extra hours, apart from the price, is
that the complementary hours computes for the calculation of your salary during
sick leave, calculation of the unemployment benefits, and your retirement,
extra hours do not compute for these calculations.
Contact us for further information
Publicado por
Sección Sindical UGT, Concentrix/Webhelp Barcelona
jueves, octubre 04, 2018
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contact center,
derechos laborales,
tiempo de trabajo,
Barcelona, España
martes, 2 de octubre de 2018
During the
last quarter of 2018, the INSS (national institute of the SS) will conduct 25%
more reviews of medical leave, which means 64,000 medical check-ups aside from
the usual ones. These reviews of the INSS are separate from the reviews of the MUTUA
of your company and it is mandatory to go to these extraordinary reviews as it
is with the reviews in the MUTUA. These reviews will only be made at sick
leaves of less than 345 days.
The purpose
of these new revisions of the INSS will be to verify that both medical leave
and payment are justified according to the worker's work activity.
(SS =
Social Security)
Publicado por
Sección Sindical UGT, Concentrix/Webhelp Barcelona
martes, octubre 02, 2018
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baja médico,
contact center,
sick leave,
tiempo de trabajo,
Barcelona, España
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