jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017



Which workers will be entitled to paid leave and under what conditions?

Those workers who will have to work next December 21st will be entitled to a paid leave to vote, the duration of which will depend on the time in which their working hours coincide with the opening of the Electoral College.

Thus, the following permits are established during the Election Day:

- Workers whose work schedule does not coincide with the opening hours of the polling stations (From 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.) or whose working day is less than 2 hours: They will not be entitled to paid leave since the working day does not it prevents going to vote.

- Workers whose schedule coincides in 2 or more hours and which is less than 4 hours: They will be entitled to a paid leave of 2 hours.

- Workers whose schedule coincides between 4 and 6 hours with that of the polling stations: They will have paid leave of 3 hours.

- Workers whose schedule coincides in 6 or more hours with that of the polling stations: They will be entitled to a paid leave of 4 hours.

It should be noted that for part-time workers who work less than usual, the duration of paid leave will be reduced in proportion to the ratio between the hours that they develop and the normal working hours of workers hired full time in the same company.

Regarding the organization of work, the company will be responsible for establishing the hours in which each worker will enjoy their paid leave. In addition, the company may require workers to justify their absence with the corresponding receipt that will be delivered to them at the polling station.

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