lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2016

Partial strike for 2 hours on the 29th of Setember

On the 29th we repeat the 2 hours partial strike.
The night shift it is from 00:00h to 02:00h
The mornig shift it is from 10:30h to 12:30h
The late shift it is from 16:30h to 18:30h
The devided shift, you choose which on you take

Why do we strike?
We are striking due to:
The Patronal (the call center companies) wont to reduce the minimum salary.
No increases in the salary for 2015 and 2016, and less that 1% in 2017.
Eliminate the 35 medical hours we have.
Eliminate the payment for the first 3 days of sick leave. (we now do have 70%)
Eliminate the visual break. (5 minuts per hour)
Eliminate some of the break time we have now.
Eliminate some of the right to conciliate our personal life.
Implement rotating shift.
Increase the working hours per week.

And this is just the short list, there is also the list from the union where we want to have more on fixed contract, and we want to have shifts that are not divided, etc.

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