martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014

Moving days / Días de mudanza

When you have to move you do have the rights to have 2 moving days fully paid.
You just have to informe the company as soon as you know the days where you will be moving.

You justify them with a paper from the “Ajuntamento” called “empatronal”

The company do not have to aprove these days, it is your right to take them.

The moving days are calendar days and have to be taken together, you cannot seperate them, meening that you cannot take Friday and then Monday.


Días de mudanza

Cuando tienes que mudarte tengas derecho de dos días de mudanza pagados.
Solo tienes que informar la empresa cuando sabes cuándo te mudarás.

Tienes que justificarlos con el justificante del ajuntamento.

La empresa no tiene que aprobar los días, estás en tu derecho coger los.

Los días de mudanza son naturales y tengas que coger los dos días enseguida, no puedes coger el viernes y el lunes.



Have we tried it all?

Have we tried new ideas, new thoughts??

We have tried to improve the workers conditions in many matters and in many different ways. We have tried new thoughts, new ideas and found that the solution is communication and negotiation.

We have demanded the company many times to the ITC (Inspeccion del Trabajo Catalunya) (like the workers police), and sometimes it helped us and other times not, like the discussion about the visual break which we have implemented in our collective agreement, the ITC have not helped us in this matter. There are for our part 6 demands about this subject and there are about 15 demands on behalf of the workers, but ITC do not want to interfere.

The ITC has helped us in cases like change of company, return after maternity leave, and return after unpaid leave, payment to the social security, illegal clauses in the contracts, salary, and working in weekends.

Regarding the bonus structure, we have demanded some of them and there are no help to get, the answer from the ITC has been negative. Only way to have an impact on the bonus structure is true communication and negotiation.


  on the 12th of January 2015                                            

viernes, 19 de diciembre de 2014


UGT os informa

La ley nos prohibe pasar por los puestos de trabajo para hablar con los agentes ya que estos podrian ser sancionados por la empresa.

Solo podemos informar a los agentes a tráves de los tablones informativos, ya que no podemos enviar correos masivos ni dejar información encima de las mesas.



Elections to the workers council

Did you know that the elections for the workers council is approaching?

The Election Day is on the 12th of January 2015.

There will be a voting point in each building so all the workers will have the possibility to vote.

Every vote count, therefore it is important that you participate.

And off course we recommend you to vote for UGT because we do know our collective agreement, much better than an alternative union.


jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Election on January 12, 2015

We, UGT, have called the general election for the workers committee.

What does it mean?

First, every 4 years the workers committee does have to be reelected and/or renewed. The members of the committee that wants to continue can be reelected and new members will have the chance to enter and participate.

All workers with more than 3 months seniority in the company can participate as candidate to the committee on the same conditions as the current members.

Who elects the members of the new committee?
All employees in the company with more than 1 month seniority can vote on the 12th of January. The employees vote during their working time.

As UGT has been in the committee for a long time, and we are in contact with others companies like Sellbytel, Contact centers, we do have a lot of experience. We know how the company thinks, how they work and how they communicate. This is our force, and we have accomplished many things during the last 4 years, and we will in the coming 4 years accomplish more.

What have we accomplished?
Among many things we have helped many workers negotiating a solution to economic problems; we have negotiated many warnings with the result that the company has cancelled them.
We have accomplished that the company in many aspects respects the collective agreement, have created a health and security committee, and a equality commission and that they every year create a working calendar, and that we have weekly meetings with HR in order to solve many issues, personals and work related


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UGT, has achieved that the company gives a compensation day
to the agents that works on the 1st of November and the 6th of
December as stated in the collective agreement art. 47.
The company was first not prepared to give the compensation
day but after 2 weeks of dialog they finally agreed.



UGT, ha conseguido, que la empresa compense el dia 1 de
noviembre y 6 de diciembre a los agentes que trabajaron este
día, tal como dice el art.47 del convenio de contact center,
después de dos semanas de dialogo con la empresa, la cual se
negaba a compensar.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014


When Sellbytel gives you a warning they deduct your bonus that you have earned.
We have just received a verdict from the social court first instants, stating that this policy is not legal.

The court says clearly that they cannot deduct your bonus when they give you a warning

If Sellbytel has appealed we do not know at this moment


Become a member of UGT 


miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

Horas extraordinarias y complementarias, ¿sabes qué es la diferencia?

Si tienes un contrato de 39 horas todas las horas de más son horas extraordinarias y cobras un plus de 25 por cien.
Si tienes un contrato de menos de 39 horas y más de 30 horas, puedes hacer horas complementarias hasta las 39 horas, las horas serán pagadas como horas normales, y a continuación puedes tener horas extraordinarias (plus 25 por cien), recuerda, las horas máximas por semana son 48
Si tienes un contrato de 30 horas o menos, no puedes hacer horas adicionales si no tienes un acuerdo en escrito con la empresa y las máximas que puedes acordar son 30 por cien de las horas que tienes en el contrato. Horas extraordinarias no son legales con este tipo de contrato




martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Overtime and additional hours, do you know what the deference is?

If you have a 39 hours contract, all extra hours are overtime, and you get plus 25% per hour.
If you have a contract with less than 39 and more than 30 hours, you can work additional hours up till the 39 hours, they are paid as normal hours, and after these hours you can have overtime (+25%), remember, maximum working hours per week are 48 hours.
If you have a contract with 30 hours or less, you cannot have additional hours unless you have a written agreement with the company and the maximum additional hours you by law can agree to are 30% of the hours you have in your contract. Overtime is not legal with these contracts.



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jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014


UGT ha propuesto Sellbytel implementar 25 días de vacaciones (laborables) para todos los empleados, (o 35 días naturales)

Ahora tenemos 23 días de vacaciones (laborables) al año, o 32 días naturales

Los 25 días de vacaciones por año que hemos pedido, significará más tiempo de calidad para los empleados y en estos tiempos de crisis con una gran cantidad de jóvenes desempleados también significa que Sellbytel puede emplear a unas 18 personas más. No sólo conseguimos empleados más felices y más calidad a su trabajo, sino que también será una ayuda a la sociedad para reducir la cola de desempleados

Estamos esperando respuesta por parte de Sellbytel





UGT has proposed Sellbytel to implement 25 holidays per year to all employees, (or 35 calendar days)

Now we do have 23 working holidays per year, or 32 calendar days

The 25 working holidays per year we have asked for, will mean more quality time to the employees and in these time of crisis with a lot of unemployed young people it means that Sellbytel can employ about 18 people more. It will not only mean more happy employees that again will be giving more quality to their job, it will also be a help to society to reduce the cue of unemployed people

We are awaiting the answer from Sellbytel


Become a member of UGT


martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014



According to the law and our collective agreement, you have to notify the company in writing 15 days in advance when you want to resign.

Remember to bring 2 copies, one that your closest superior signs as received, and one that you sign and hand in.

In Sellbytel there are some supervisors/managers that deny receiving your resignation, using different excuses such as; your holidays that has been approved long time ago do not count as notification days, or they threatens you with a grave warning for unjustified absence, or for leaving your working place without permission.

And if they are denying your resignation?

First you have to contact us and we will talk with HR. And if we cannot solve the problem, then we will explain you what you have to do next, what are your possibilities.


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¿Quieres irte de Sellbytel?

Según la normativa vigente i el convenio colectivo de contact center, tienes que avisar tu salida de la empresa con un preaviso de quince días por escrito.

Recuerda traer dos copias, una tiene que firmar tu superior como recibido que es tú copia y la otra copia con tú firma es para tu superior (la empresa)

En Sellbytel hay superiores que niegan recibir la carta de tu baja voluntaria, usan distintas excusas, por ejemplo; tus vacaciones que han sido aprobadas hace tiempo no cuenta como preaviso, o te amenaza con una falta muy grave por ausencia injustificada, o por dejar el puesto de trabajo sin permiso.

Las excusas y/o amenazas son varias. Pero es igual que te digan. La ley está muy clara, tienes todo el derecho a irte de la empresa voluntariamente siempre y cuando tú lo hagas con quince días de preaviso. La empresa no pueda denegar que tú entregues la carta de baja voluntaria.

¿Y si se niega a aceptar la entrega de la carta?

Primero ponte en contacto con nosotros y hablaremos con recursos humanos. Si no podemos solucionar el asunto, te explicamos que tienes que hacer, qué posibilidades hay.


Afiliate en UGT


miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Check your pay slip

Do you check your pay slip every month?

Do you know the concepts?

If you do have 39 hours per week, and your category is “gestor telefonico”, you do have a basic salary of 1047.30€, prorrata 174.55€, and if you speak another language tha Spanish you also have “plus idioma” 106.35€. Then some employees do have some personal concepts such as “mejora absobible/personal/ or whatever, and if you have “a cuenta convenio” is means that your salary is frozen. In real life it should be used to pay near future salary raises, but Sellbytel is using it to freeze your salary for years.

What is “prorrata”? Your yearly basic salary, 15938.37€, is calculated with 14 payments per year, but you only gets 12 payments. The 2 payments missing is then being paid partly every month, it a Spanish concept so don’t think too much about it, you just need to know what it is.

The “plus idioma” is for speaking a foreign language. But even though you are speaking/supporting several countries you only get it one time


Join the UGT union


viernes, 11 de julio de 2014


According to the Spanish labor law and our collective agreement, your contract, “obra o servicio”, automatically convert to be a permanent contract after 4 years if you started after the 18th of June 2010 (collective agreement art. 13,a)

You don’t need to have “indefenido” printed on your contract unless you are planning to buy a house, a car or something where you need a loan/credit. In these cases you just have to ask Sellbytel to give it to you and it will be done.


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Según el Estatuto de los Trabajadores y el convenio colectivo, tu contrato de obra o servicio se convertirá a indefinido al cabo de cuatro años siempre y cuando hayas firmado después del 18 de junio del 2010 (el convenio de contact center art. 13,a)

No necesitas tener el indefinido en papel si no estás pensando en comprar una casa, un coche o algo donde necesitas un préstamo / crédito. En estos casos, sólo hay que pedir a Sellbytel que te lo de.


Ifiliate en UGT


lunes, 7 de julio de 2014


When Sellbytel gives you a warning, whatever it is a mild, grave or very grave, they always sanction you one way or another. The sanction can be a written warning or suspension from the workplace without salary.

This is all according to the Spanish labour law and the collective agreement.

What they also do is give you an economic sanction. This is according to our opinion a double sanction that is not ok according to the labour law and furthermore, our collective agreement do not at all mention this type of sanction, and therefore it is something that Sellbytel has invented.

UGT has for a long time protested against these double sanctions, but Sellbytel has never agreed with us.

We have denounced Sellbytel for violating the labour law with the double sanction, and today we were in the labour inspectorate.

Now we are awaiting the outcome from the inspector. This may take several weeks


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jueves, 3 de julio de 2014


When you’re sick you have to go to your doctor (cat salut) and get a “baja medica” on your first day.
The “baja medica” has to be sent to the company within 72 hours max., either by email or fax.

When you’re ready to go to work you must first go to your doctor again and ask for an “alta”.

The original papers, “baja” and “alta”, has to be handed in to your SV o M on your first working day.

Remember, it is always a good idea to keep your SV o M informed by phone or email.



Once you have been working 6 month, you are in title to receive payment during your sick leave.
According to the collective agreement you will receive 70% of your salary the first 3 days, from day 4 to day 20 (both included) you will receive 75%, and from day 21 you will receive 100%.
All calculated on the basis of your last month payment without holidays or sick leaves.


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miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Same job same salary?

According to our opinion employees should receive the same salary for doing the same job.

A short time ago we discovered that in 2 projects the company started to pay a lower salary the newcomers. When this was discovered during a check in the new contracts, we protested to the company. After several communications we received an answer verbally explaining us that the newcomers did not do the same job as their colleagues that has been in the project for some time. Once the newcomers got better and received training in some new products, they would receive the same salary as their “old” colleagues.

We were not fully satisfied with the explanation because the contracts do not say anything about the different products they are supporting. So we asked the company to make this transparent in the contracts. Furthermore we have asked for a written explanation.

And even though the company has told us why there is a different salary in the 2 projects, they still haven’t changed anything in the contracts, so the newcomers are, forever, being paid less than their “old” colleagues.

Are you one of the employees receiving less than your colleagues for the same job? Please let us know.


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jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014


Jamás si es la empresa la que ha puesto fin a la relación laboral por despido o finalización de contrato.Tampoco si las vacaciones las disfrutaste cuando se acordó en la empresa o cuando te dijo la empresa.Solamente cabría el descuento si la empresa puede demostrar que tú escogiste tus vacaciones y que además tuviste mala fe al hacerlo, porque conocías tu marcha antes de disfrutar de dichas vacaciones.

"El exceso del período disfrutado de vacaciones, en relación con la parte de anualidad transcurrida hasta el cese contractual,no es un crédito del empresario frente al trabajador, compensable en la liquidación final, ya que el período vacacional anual no tiene límite máximo legal y su disfrute anticipado es una disposición o concesión voluntaria del empresario, sea por acto individual, o por pacto incluido en el Convenio Colectivo" (STSJ Aragón 31/10/07)



jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

UGT agree holiday payment for the 24th of June

UGT has finally reached an agreement with Sellbytel on holiday payment the June 24, 2014

Employees who come to work on June 24, 2014 will receive the plus festivity normal.

Employees who do not come to work on June 24 will have to recover the corresponding hours that day by mutual agreement with the Company throughout the year


Ugt acuerdo pago festivo 24 de junio

Por fin UGT ha llegado a un acuerdo con Sellbytel sobre el pago plus festivo del 24 de junio de 2014

Los Empleados que vengan a trabajar el día 24 de junio de 2014 cobrarán el plus de festividad.

Los Empleados que no vengan a trabajar el 24 de junio tendrán que recuperar las horas correspondientes a ese día de mutuo acuerdo con la Empresa a lo largo del año



miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Sellbytel interpreting the law their own way

Sellbytel is interpreting the law about protection of personal data

In the project Vaesa-Seat, Sellbytel is obligating the Employees to sign a document permitting Sellbytel and the client to use their images and personal data when they want en where they want. We have to say that a Company cannot obligate any one to sign a document stating that they or the client can use their personal data when and where they want. This is according to our opinion a clear violation of the EU law protecting their citizens.

If they didn’t sign the document, they were told that they couldn’t continue in the project, (read dismissed). 2 Employees signed with objection, and they are now moved from their position.

The document has not previous been presented to us so we did not have the possibility to give our opinion.

The Employees has not been given a copy of the document they signed.

This is not the first time Sellbytel is obligating Employees to sign documents that are, if not, according to our opinion, directly violating the law they are in a gray area, and as usual we are not previous being presented the document.

We are in a crises, but the Companies are increasing their benefits, and now they want Employees working for the minimum salary, to give their accept to use their images in ads that has a value of millions of Euros for the Company.
This is what they call crisis? Pay less and earn more?


Become member of the union, they need you and you need them

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

The fruit store company, hiring again


The fruit store project, (manzana), which was affected with dismissals due to a diminution during December and January, are now hiring employees again. According to our collective agreement, and the labour law, the Company are obliged to hire the people that were dismissed due to the diminution.
If you were dismissed due to the diminution, and the Company hasn’t contacted you, please let us know about it, and we will investigate why.



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miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Sellbytel, the new supermarket!!!

In the Caixa project, they will no longer pay the bonus with money. In the future they will give vouchers to spa, dinner and a gift card to El Corte Ingles, all depending on the month the Employees earn the right to the bonus.

What will be the next?
Discount to the ZOO?

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014


Calendario laboral 2014

Por fin UGT está a punto de terminar las negociaciones del calendario laboral de 2014

Estamos ahora, después de muchas horas de reuniones, y con la colaboración de los administradores, tenemos todo (casi) acordado. Los administradores ha estado en contacto con los clientes para pedirles información sobre cuando el servicio de cada país en cada proyecto está cerrado / abierto

Así que ahora casi todos los empleados tendrán la oportunidad de conocer los días festivos de Barcelona que se va a trabajar y en cuáles no.

Debido a la creatividad del " Generalitat " hay 15 días festivos, y uno de ellos no se considera como un día festivo recuperable (a trabajar), por eso hemos tenido unas negociaciones difíciles. Según la “Generalitat” había que elegir entre cuatro festivos donde uno tiene que ser trabajado. Las fechas que podíamos elegir son: 06 de enero, 21 de abril, 24 de junio y 26 de diciembre. Hemos acordado con la Empresa el 24 de junio por que el día no es un día festivo en ningún país europeo.

No tenemos un acuerdo con Sellbytel sobre el pago de festivo para trabajar el 24 de junio. Como " Generalitat " lo ha marcado como un día festivo, decimos que las personas que trabajan este día deben recibir el pago de festivo, pero Sellbytel no está de acuerdo.
Esta discrepancia ha sido enviada a una comisión para decidir.


vvvvv Afiliáte en UGT



Finally UGT is getting to the end of the negotiations of the working calendar 2014.

We are now after many hours of meetings, and with the collaboration of the Managers, having everything (almost) in place. The Managers has been in contact with the clients asking them for information about when the service for each country in each project are closed/open

So now almost all Employees will get to know on which Barcelonans bank holiday they will be working on and which not.

Due to the creativity of the “Generalitat” this year there are 15 bank holidays, and one of them is not considered as a bank holiday, there have been some hard negotiations. According to “Generalitat” wh had to choose 1 between 4 bank holidays that have to be worked. The dates we could choose between are as followed: 6th of January, 21st of April, 24th of June and 26th of December. We have chosen the 24th of June because this day is not a bank holiday in any European country.

We do not have an agreement with Sellbytel about the extra payment for working on the 24th of June. As “Generalitat” has marked it as a bank holiday, we say that the people working on this day should be paid the extra, but Sellbytel do not agree.
This discrepancy has been send to a commission to decide.

vvvvv Become member of UGT

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014



If you feel sick during your shift, we recommend you to go to your doctor straight away; do not wait for your SV/Manager to approve, you just have to inform your SV/Manager in writing.

If you feel sick during your shift you do not need permission to leave, you are in your right to go to your doctor. What you need to get from your doctor is “justificante visita”, and this has to be handed in to the Company within 72 hours.

If you take the sick leave, (baja médica), you get the “baja” with next day date, and send it to the Company within 72 hours.


Si te encuentras mal durante tu jornada, te recomendamos ir a tu médico inmediatamente; no esperes la aprobación de tu superior, solo tienes que informar le verbalmente y por escrito (email).

Si te sientes mal durante tu jornada no necesitas permiso para irte, es tu derecho ir a tu médico. Solicita un justificante de visita a tu médico y tendrás que enviarla/entregarla a la Empresa dentro de las 72 horas.

Si coges una baja médica, la baja tiene que ser con la fecha del siguiente día, y tienes que enviarla/entregarla a la Empresa dentro de las 72 horas.



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lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Horas extraordinarias

Artículo 49 del convenio colectivo de Contact Center.- Horas extraordinarias

Si bien las partes firmantes del presente Convenio acuerdan la conveniencia de reducir al mínimo indispensable la realización de las horas extraordinarias, para el caso de que estas pudieran realizarse establecen los siguientes criterios de valoración:

Con independencia de las retribuciones reales que perciba el trabajador, el valor de las horas extraordinarias será el resultante de aplicar los porcentajes que a continuación se detallan al valor de la hora tipo ordinaria calculada de la siguiente forma:

• Hora tipo ordinaria igual a salario tabla convenio anual dividido entre la jornada efectiva anual.

a).- Horas extraordinarias diurnas: en horarios comprendidos entre las 06’00 horas y las 22’00 horas, se abonarán con un incremento del 25% sobre el valor de la hora tipo ordinaria.

b).- Horas extraordinarias nocturnas: En horarios comprendidos entre las 22’00 horas y las 06’00 horas, se abonarán con un incremento del 60% sobre el valor de la hora tipo ordinaria.

c).- Horas extraordinarias festivas diurnas, (no domingos): en horarios comprendidos entre las 06’00 horas y las 22’00 horas, se abonarán con un incremento del 60% sobre el valor de la hora tipo ordinaria.

d).- Horas extraordinarias nocturnas en festivos: en día festivo (no domingos), en horarios comprendidos entre las 22’00 horas y las 06’00 horas, se abonarán con un incremento del 80% sobre el valor de la hora tipo ordinaria.

Por pacto individual, las horas extraordinarias podrán compensarse por tiempo de descanso, hora por hora en los casos a) y b) y hora y media por hora en los restantes supuestos.



miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Equality plan

In July 2013 the Company signed a Equality Plan after we had several months of negotiations.

Today the plan still haven't been published on the portal, so no Employee do know anything about it, nor can they read it, unless they come to our office on the 6th floor in Diagonal where we do have a copy signed by the Company.

The excuse for not publishing it is that they have to translate it into English. Apparently it is difficult to have the 19 pages translated, because it still haven't been done.

So even though we had nearly 6 months negotiations, 8 months of translation, the Company is still rejecting the publishing of the plan. What they still haven't begun, is the implementation of the procedures in case that there is a violation of the equality plan. They have been thinking, we suppose, during these 8 month and still there are no suggestions.

Despite the difficulties we continue our efforts to have the plan published.


viernes, 10 de enero de 2014



According to the collective agreement we do have 14 paid holidays per year here in Barcelona.

When you work on a bank holiday (Barcelona) you get another day off (compensation day) and you get a economically plus, which for 2014 is €38.22 and €81.06 if it is a special bank holiday (25/12 – 1/1 – 6/1), (calculated according to a full time contract)

In 2014 we do have here in Barcelona 15 bank holidays. That means that there will be one normal bank holiday that wound be paid the plus and you don’t get the compensation day.

Which day it is has not yet been decided, but we will keep you informed