viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Workers legal representatives

In January we are having elections for the workers legal representatives, also named committee members.
If you are interested, in being a candidate or in how it works, please contact us.

Contact us on this link

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018


In our collective agreement art. 21 are wtritten:

Functional mobility within the company will be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, respecting, in all cases, the legal regime, guarantees and requirements established in the Statute of Workers.

Functional mobility within the same professional group cannot be carried out between radically different specialties, which require complex training processes of adaptation.

Within the professional group, the degree of requirements or performance of the functions performed at each moment will determine the level of remuneration that is applicable.

The functional mobility within the same professional group will not suppose reduction of the level of remuneration of origin.

Mobility for the performance of functions belonging to a higher professional group, as well as mobility for the performance of functions belonging to a lower professional group, will be regulated according to the provisions established in this regard in article 39 of the Workers' Statute.

When the company deems it necessary for a contracted person to carry out corresponding work at a higher level, this will receive, during the time in which it lends them, the salary corresponding to that level.

Those who perform functions of a higher level for six months at least in the period of one year, or for eight months at least, in a period of two years, will belong to the higher level corresponding to the functions performed. For these purposes, the computation must be daily, regardless of the number of hours of the day dedicated to higher level functions.

Mobility, when it involves changes between specialized technical management and management of general services, may be carried out provided that the new assigned functions are equivalent to those of provenance, understood equivalence in the terms established in article 22.3 of the Workers' Statute.
The worker may request the change of functions, both within a professional group and outside it. In these cases, the request must be reasoned, and the requirements established in this Agreement for the performance of the functions or position requested must be met. The company will give a reasoned response to the request within a month.

Functional mobility carried out by mutual agreement between the parties, shall respect the provisions of a general nature in this Agreement and in the applicable legislation.

Consequently, changes in functions other than those established in the previous sections will require the agreement of the parties or, failing that, the submission of the rules foreseen for the substantial modifications of the working conditions, in accordance with the provisions of article 41.1. f) of the Workers' Statute.

The payment of higher-level functions, when performed sporadically and paid by effective day, will be applied by dividing the difference between the monthly salary of both levels, between 30 and multiplied by 1.4.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018


According to our collective agreement the normal hours per year is maximum 1764, with a maximum of 39 hours per week.

If you got an irregular distribution of your working time the maximum hours per week is 48.
If you do overtime the maximum extra hours per year is 80.

If you have a contract of 30 hours or less, you are not aloud to do extra hours, only complementary hours are aloud, and with maximum of 30% of the ordinary hours you have according to your contract. The complementary hours must be notified with at least 3 day, and you must agree to them. There is a document for the complementary hours that you have to sign, if you agree. The complementary hours are paid as a normal hour.

The difference between the complementary hours and the extra hours, apart from the price, is that the complementary hours computes for the calculation of your salary during sick leave, calculation of the unemployment benefits, and your retirement, extra hours do not compute for these calculations.

Contact us for further information

martes, 2 de octubre de 2018


During the last quarter of 2018, the INSS (national institute of the SS) will conduct 25% more reviews of medical leave, which means 64,000 medical check-ups aside from the usual ones. These reviews of the INSS are separate from the reviews of the MUTUA of your company and it is mandatory to go to these extraordinary reviews as it is with the reviews in the MUTUA. These reviews will only be made at sick leaves of less than 345 days.

The purpose of these new revisions of the INSS will be to verify that both medical leave and payment are justified according to the worker's work activity.
(SS = Social Security)

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018

Art. 26 in our Collective Agreement; SCHEDULES AND SHIFTS

1.-The people hired will be obligatorily assigned to one of the shifts of morning, afternoon, split shift or night.

The following are set as time bands for each shift:

Morning shift: you cannot start before 07:00 hours or finish after 16:00 hours.

Afternoon shift: cannot start before 15:00 hours, or finish after 24:00 hours.

Night shift: cannot start before 22:00 hours, or finish after 08:00 hours.

Split shift: cannot start before 09:00 hours, or finish after 20:00 hours; in this shift, the end of the first part and the beginning of the second, cannot be more than two hours, without repercussion to agreement, individual or collective. It is recommended, however, that this maximum time be shortened. This shift cannot be applied to personnel with a contract equal to or less than 30 hours per week.

2.-In order to encourage full-time hiring, the signatory parties agree to establish two new shifts to which only full-time staff can be assigned and with a continuous working day.

Intensive morning: you cannot start before 9:00 or finish after 18:00.

Intensive afternoon: you cannot start before 12:00 or finish after 21:00.

In those campaigns in which one of these shifts is established and there are staff with a part-time contract, these will have precedence over newly-hired personnel to convert their time to full-time, always on a voluntary basis.

In the same way, if there were personnel with indefinite contracts of partial days of other campaigns, who meet the necessary requirements for the position and were interested in extending the working day and incorporation to this shift, they will also have preference over new hires.

The companies will publish the possibility of subscribing to these shifts in order to prove that, before making any new hires for these shifts, the possibility has been offered to the rest of the workforce of the campaign with a part-time contract.

The assignment to any of the new shifts must be carried out by means of a written agreement between the company and the person concerned.

3.-Companies will publish work schedules at least 14 days before the start date of such schedules. In those companies where the publication of the schedule is monthly, only the schedule corresponding to the first week may be published 7 days in advance.

Only the schedules, within the fixed bands, of a maximum of 20% of the staff, with a week in advance, may be modified.

For this purpose, this 20% of the staff must be informed of said circumstance at the date of publication of the schedules and this shall be determined on a rotating basis. Therefore, the personnel that have been included in this percentage shall not be considered again until all the personnel of the campaign in that percentage have been included. If it occurs, the modification of the schedule will be notified in writing to the worker.

The companies, on a monthly basis, will provide the workers’ legal representation with the nominal list of work schedules, as well as the details of the subsequent modifications and the list of personnel assigned to cover the modifications in each period.

In the cases in which the campaign or service is of reception, and is initiated for the first time, during the first month, and within the indicated bands, the schedule will be known with a minimum advance of forty-eight hours.

In the cases in which the campaign or service has originally established a working hours schedule that does not allow the use of shifts and fixed time bands, the company, with prior accreditation of the objective fact, may agree with the legal representation of the workers on the establishment of different bands. This agreement must be reflected in writing in all cases.

By agreement with the legal representation of the workers, which will be recorded in writing, the established time bands may be extended.

By agreement with the legal representation of the workers, which shall be in writing, rotating shifts may be established under the provisions of article 36.3 of the Workers' Statute.

If a company demands the extension of the time bands established in the Collective Agreement, according to duly motivated special needs, and collective agreement has not been reached with the legal representation of the workers, the company or the representatives may request the mediation of the Joint Commission of interpretation of the Collective Agreement.


jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018


Functional mobility within the company will be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, respecting, in all cases, the legal regime, guarantees and requirements established in the Statute of Workers. 

Functional mobility within the same professional group cannot be carried out between radically different specialties, which require complex training processes of adaptation.

Within the professional group, the degree of requirements or performance of the functions performed at each moment will determine the level of remuneration that is applicable.

The functional mobility within the same professional group will not suppose reduction of the level of remuneration of origin.

Mobility for the performance of functions belonging to a higher professional group, as well as mobility for the performance of functions belonging to a lower professional group, will be regulated according to the provisions established in this regard in article 39 of the Workers' Statute.

When the company deems it necessary for a contracted person to carry out corresponding work at a higher level, this will receive, during the time in which it lends them, the salary corresponding to that level.

Those who perform functions of a higher level for six months at least in the period of one year, or for eight months at least, in a period of two years, will belong to the higher level corresponding to the functions performed. For these purposes, the computation must be daily, regardless of the number of hours of the day dedicated to higher level functions.
Mobility, when it involves changes between specialized technical management and management of general services, may be carried out provided that the new assigned functions are equivalent to those of provenance, understood equivalence in the terms established in article 22.3 of the Workers' Statute.

The worker may request the change of functions, both within a professional group and outside it. In these cases, the request must be reasoned, and the requirements established in this Agreement for the performance of the functions or position requested must be met. The company will give a reasoned response to the request within a month.

Functional mobility carried out by mutual agreement between the parties, shall respect the provisions of a general nature in this Agreement and in the applicable legislation.

Consequently, changes in functions other than those established in the previous sections will require the agreement of the parties or, failing that, the submission of the rules foreseen for the substantial modifications of the working conditions, in accordance with the provisions of article 41.1. f) of the Workers' Statute.

The payment of higher-level functions, when performed sporadically and paid by effective day, will be applied by dividing the difference between the monthly salary of both levels, between 30 and multiplied by 1.4.

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

Art. 26.3 Change of schedules

Article 26.3 of the collective agreement establishes rules on how the company can change the working hours within the time bands of this or agreed with the representatives of the workers:

Companies will publish work schedules at least 14 days before the start date of such schedules. In those companies where the publication of the schedule is monthly, only the schedule corresponding to the first week may be published 7 days in advance.

Only the schedules, within the fixed bands, a maximum of 20% of the staff, with a week in advance, may be modified.

For this purpose, this 20% of the staff must be informed of said circumstance at the date of publication of the schedules and shall be determined on a rotating basis. Therefore, the personnel that have been included in this percentage will not be able to appear again until all the personnel of the campaign in that percentage have been included. If it occurs, the modification of the schedule will be notified in writing to the worker.

The companies on a monthly basis will provide the union representation with the nominal list of work schedules, as well as the details of the subsequent modifications and the list of the personnel designated to cover the modifications in each period.

In the cases in which the campaign or service is of reception, and it is initiated for the first time, during the first month, and within the indicated bands, the schedule will be known with a minimum advance of forty-eight hours.

In the cases in which the campaign or service has originally established an execution schedule that does not allow the use of shifts and fixed time bands, the company, with prior accreditation of the objective fact, may agree with the legal representation of the workers the establishment of different bands. This agreement must be reflected in any case in writing.

By collective agreement with the legal representation of the workers, which will be recorded in writing, the established time bands may be extended.

By agreement with the legal representation of the workers, whose agreement shall be in writing, rotating shifts may be established under the provisions of article 36.3 of the Workers' Statute.

If by a company the extension of the time bands established in the Agreement was demanded, according to special needs argued, and collective agreement had not been reached with the legal representation of the workers, that or these may request the mediation of the Joint Commission of interpretation of the Convention.

If you want to know more, contact us.

You can also follow us on Facebook: Click here

martes, 21 de agosto de 2018

Can the company dismiss me due to illness?

Yes, art. 52 of the ET issues rules for when:

Article 52. Termination of the contract for objective reasons.

d) For absences from work, even justified but intermittent, that reach twenty percent of working days in two consecutive months provided that the total absence of attendance in the previous twelve months reaches five percent of working days, or twenty-five percent in four discontinuous months within a twelve-month period.

Absences due to legal strike for the duration of the same, the exercise of activities of legal representation of workers, work accident, maternity, risk during pregnancy and lactation, illnesses caused by pregnancy, childbirth or lactation, paternity, leave and vacation, illness or non-work related accident when the absence has been authorized by the official health services and lasts for more than twenty consecutive days, or the reasons for the physical or psychological situation derived from gender violence, accredited by the social services or health care services, according to procedure, will not be computed.

Neither will absences due to medical treatment of cancer or serious illness be computed.

Article 53. Form and effects of the extinction for objective reasons.

a) Written communication to the worker indicating the cause.

b) put at disposal to the worker, simultaneously with the delivery of the written communication, the compensation of twenty days per year of service, prorating by months the periods of time less than one year and with a maximum of twelve months.

During the period of notice the worker will have the right, without losing his salary, to a six-hour weekly leave in order to seek new employment.

If you want to know more, contact us

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

If you get sick

You can see in our collective agreement how much you get paid during the sick leave:

Article 63.- Supplements in cases of temporary disability.

1.-In any case, the improvements agreed upon in the companies or those that are usually applied will be respected.

2.-Temporary disability in case of work accident: companies will supplement up to 100% of the salary Agreement, from the first day.

3.- Temporary disability in case of illness:

a) .- From day 1 to 3, 70% of the salary Agreement, with the cap of 9 days a year, and with medical leave.

b) .- From day 4 to 20, 75% of the salary Agreement and with medical leave.

c) .- From day 21 onwards: 100% of the salary Agreement, up to one year, and with medical leave.
In the event that hospitalization occurs, regardless of the day of hospitalization and the duration of the hospitalization, it will be complemented to 100% of the salary Agreement from the first day of the sick leave.

4.-The Salary Agreement includes the concepts of: base salary, extraordinary payments, normal holidays complement, special holidays, Sundays, plus for nocturnal work and for plus languages.

5.-The worker is obliged to submit the social security documentation within 72 hours, accepting, with prior notice, recognition by the Mutua’s doctor, in order that this report on the impossibility of providing service, submitting the discrepancy, if any, to the Medical Inspectorate of the Social Security.

For any doubts you are more than welcome to contact us.

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2018

PIF, (Individual Training Permit)

The Individual Training Permit (PIF), allows you to reconcile work and studies.

The Individual Training Permit is the authorization granted by the company to a worker so that he can devote part of his working day to carrying out a recognized training activity with official accreditation, including those corresponding to certificates of professionalism, as well as access to recognition processes of work experience.

With the Individual Training Permit, the Vocational Training for Employment System finances the company the salary costs of up to 200 working hours that each calendar year or school year can dedicate the worker to be trained contributing to their professional and personal development.

         Individual training permits (PIF)

ü  The salary costs (base salary, seniority, fixed complements and extraordinary payments) of the working hours that the worker invests in their training are reduced, limited to 200 hours per permit and academic year or calendar year.
ü  The worker will ask the company for the authorization request form (Annex I Ministerial Order).
ü  Denial of authorization by the company must be motivated by organizational or production reasons.


ü  Recognized training through:
o    Official accreditation. Issued by the competent Administration and published in the BOE or regional bulletin.
o    Official qualification. Issued by the Educational Administration, valid throughout the state territory and published in the BOE.
o    Vocational Training Certificates and Professional Certificates.
ü  Its object can be both the technical-professional development and the worker's personnel.
ü  It should not be included in the courses developed by the company.
ü  The mode of delivery must be face-to-face. In the case of distance training or teletraining, the face-to-face part will be accepted.
ü  Los Permission to attend examinations to which workers may be entitled may not be subject to a bonus.

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

PIF, (Permiso Individual de Formación)

El Permiso Individual de Formación (PIF), te permite conciliar trabajo y estudios.
El Permiso Individual de Formación es la autorización que la empresa concede a un trabajador para que pueda dedicar parte de su jornada laboral a realizar una acción formativa reconocida con una acreditación oficial, incluidas las correspondientes a los certificados de profesionalidad, así como el acceso a los procesos de reconocimiento de la experiencia laboral.
Con el Permiso Individual de Formación, el Sistema de Formación Profesional para el Empleo financia a la empresa los costes salariales de hasta 200 horas laborables que cada año natural o curso lectivo puede dedicar el trabajador a formarse contribuyendo a su desarrollo profesional y personal.

ü  Se bonifican los costes salariales (sueldo base, antigüedad, complementos fijos y pagas extraordinarias) de las horas laborales que el trabajador invierta en su formación, limitándose a 200 horas por permiso y curso académico o año natural.
ü  El trabajador requerirá a la empresa el modelo de solicitud de autorización (Anexo I Orden Ministerial).
ü  La denegación de autorización por parte de la empresa debe estar motivada por razones organizativas o de producción.


ü  Formación reconocida mediante:
o    Acreditación oficial. Expedida por la Administración competente y publicada en el BOE o boletín autonómico.
o    Titulación oficial. Expedida por la Administración educativa, con validez en todo el territorio estatal y publicada en el BOE.
o    Títulos de Formación Profesional y Certificados de Profesionalidad.
ü  Su objeto puede ser tanto el desarrollo técnico-profesional como el personal del trabajador.
ü  No debe estar incluida en los cursos desarrollados por la empresa.
ü  La modalidad de impartición debe ser presencial. En el caso de tratarse de formación a distancia o teleformación, se admitirá la parte presencial.
ü  No podrán ser objeto de bonificación los permisos para concurrir a exámenes a los que los trabajadores puedan tener derecho.

Afiliarte en UGT

miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018


¿Sabías qué?

En el articulo 27, vacaciones, de nuestro convenio está puesto:

Las vacaciones serán de treinta y dos días naturales, (en Sellbytel hay un acuerdo que dice que los días de vacaciones podrán ser 23 laborales al año).

Se podrán dividir en periodos de 7 días continuados, debiéndose disfrutar en periodo estival, preferentemente, al menos 14 días continuados, respetando las necesidades del servicio.

Podrán disfrutarse cuatro días sueltos, bien de forma separada o conjuntamente, cualquier día laborable del año, de común acuerdo entre empresa y solicitante.

Las vacaciones comenzarán siempre en día laborable para la persona interesada.

El periodo de disfrute de vacaciones se fijará de común acuerdo entre el empresario y la persona interesada, quien conocerá las fechas que le correspondan dos meses antes, al menos, del comienzo del disfrute de las vacaciones.

Quienes tengan contratos temporales inferiores a un año disfrutarán de los días de vacaciones que les correspondan, proporcionalmente, en función de la duración de su contrato. Si por cualquiera causa ajena a la voluntad de las partes no se hubiera disfrutado período vacacional durante la vigencia del contrato se abonará la compensación económica correspondiente en la liquidación de haberes a la finalización de su relación laboral.

Las personas con más de un año de actividad laboral se regirán por el artículo 38 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores.
Si la persona contratada causara baja antes del 31 de diciembre del año en que haya disfrutado las vacaciones se le descontará de la liquidación correspondiente el importe de los días disfrutados en exceso.

Cuando el período de vacaciones fijado en el calendario de vacaciones de la empresa al que se refieren los párrafos anteriores coincida en el tiempo con una incapacidad temporal derivada del embarazo, el parto o la lactancia natural o con el período de suspensión del contrato de trabajo previsto en el artículo 48.4 del Estatuto de los Trabajadores, se tendrá derecho a disfrutar las vacaciones en fecha distinta a la de la incapacidad temporal o a la del disfrute del permiso que por aplicación de dicho precepto le correspondiera, al finalizar el período de suspensión, aunque haya terminado el año natural a que correspondan.

Si quieres saber más ponte en contacto con nosotros

Afiliarte en UGT, luchamos por tus derechos 

martes, 31 de julio de 2018

¿Sabes qué?

En nuestro convenio articulo 54, Pausas en PVD, está puesto;

"Además de los descansos señalados en el artículo 24 de este Convenio, y sin que sean acumulativas a los mismos, y también con la consideración de tiempo efectivo de trabajo, el personal de operaciones que desarrolle su actividad en pantallas de visualización de datos, tendrá una pausa de cinco minutos por cada hora de trabajo efectivo. Dichas pausas no serán acumulativas entre sí.

Corresponderá a la empresa la distribución y forma de llevar a cabo dichas pausas, organizándolas de modo lógico y racional en función de las necesidades del servicio, sin que tales pausas puedan demorar, ni adelantar, su inicio más de 15 minutos respecto a cuando cumplan las horas fijadas para su ejecución."

Si no tienes esta pausa tienes que pedir en escrito a tu superior que te la dan.

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2018


According to Sellbytel policy your short day have to be changed to another day if it falls on a non-working bank holiday.


The 2nd of April is a Christian holiday but a normal working day.

In Spain by law the workers do have a maximum of 14 bank holidays per year. This year Catalunya for some reason have decided that we have 15 bank holidays and have given the companies the possibility to choose between 2 of them, the 02/04 and 26/12, which one to be a normal working day. Sellbytel Barcelona chose the 02/04.

If you have any doubts send us an email.

miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2018



El Acoso moral o "mobbing", puede definirse como toda conducta abusiva o de violencia psicológica que se realice de forma prolongada en el tiempo de mínimo seis meses sobre una persona en el ámbito laboral, manifestada a través de reiterados comportamientos, hechos, órdenes o palabras que tengan como finalidad desacreditar, desconsiderar o aislar a un trabajador con objeto de conseguir un auto-abandono del trabajo produciendo un daño progresivo y continuo en su dignidad o integridad psíquica. Se considera circunstancia agravante el hecho de que la persona que ejerce el acoso ostente alguna forma de autoridad jerárquica en la estructura de la empresa sobre la persona acosada.

Por otro lado, conforme a los recientes estudios doctrinales y la jurisprudencia más reiterada, los elementos básicos del acoso moral o "mobbing" son los siguientes:

- la intención de dañar, ya sea del empresario o de los directivos, ya sea de los compañeros de trabajo;

- la producción de un daño en la esfera de los derechos personales más esenciales;

- el carácter complejo, continuado, predeterminado y sistemático del hostigamiento.

La doctrina especializada en esta materia incluye en esta categoría de " mobbing " las siguientes conductas:

- ataques mediante medidas adoptadas contra la víctima: el superior limita al trabajador las posibilidades de comunicarse, le cambia la ubicación separándole de sus compañeros, se juzga de manera ofensiva su trabajo, se cuestionan sus decisiones;

- ataque mediante aislamiento social;

- ataques a la vida privada;

- agresiones verbales, como gritar o insultar, criticar permanentemente el trabajo de esa persona;

- rumores: criticar y difundir rumores contra esa persona, entre otras.

El acoso moral en el trabajo somete al trabajador a un trato degradante, conculcando el principio de igualdad de trabajo como se definía en los artículos 3, 4 y 5 del a Directiva Comunitaria 76/207 derogada por la Directiva 2006/54, el derecho a la integridad moral e interdicción de tratos degradantes que protege el artículo 15 de la Constitución Española, así como el artículo 4.2. e) del Estatuto de los Trabajadores (ET), (derecho básico a la consideración debida a la dignidad), constituyendo sin duda causa justa para que el trabajador pueda ejercitar, entre otras, la oportuna acción rescisoria, solicitando la extinción de su contrato (artículo 50.1 a y c) del ET).

Ahora bien, según explica también la doctrina más autorizada, el conflicto y el acoso moral no son realidades correlativas. Por un lado, todo conflicto no es manifestación de un acoso moral, de donde se desprende que la existencia de acoso moral no se prueba con la simple existencia de un conflicto. Por otro lado, la ausencia de un conflicto explícito no elimina la existencia de acoso moral, al resultar factible su manifestación externa en un conflicto larvado, aunque unido a otros indicios; y por último la existencia de un conflicto explícito puede ser un indicio de la existencia de acoso moral.

En efecto, es necesario delimitar lo que constituye acoso y lo que son las tensiones ordinarias que subyacen en toda comunidad de personas, de las que no puede decirse que se encuentre exenta el entorno laboral, si tenemos en cuenta el permanente dinamismo con que se desenvuelve el trabajo en general y que genera por sí mismo tensiones físicas y psíquicas que pueden desencadenar padecimientos para el trabajador en atención a la propia sensibilidad que pueda tener. De este modo, no todas las situaciones que revelen un conflicto entre un trabajador y su superior jerárquico o entre trabajadores de igual categoría han de calificarse, sin más, como acoso moral; es decir, no toda manifestación del poder empresarial, aunque se ejerza de forma abusiva, puede calificarse como acoso moral, sin perjuicio, obviamente, de que tales prácticas abusivas encuentren respuesta a través de otras vías previstas legalmente.

Para recibir la consideración jurídica propia de acoso, ha de envolverse la actuación empresarial desde el prisma de una presión que ha de ser maliciosa y con cierta continuidad en el tiempo, con claro objetivo degradante para la personalidad del trabajador afectado por la conducta.

No es parangonable el acoso moral al ejercicio arbitrario del poder directivo empresarial, pues mientras que con éste el empresario suele simplemente buscar por medios inadecuados un mayor aprovechamiento de la mano de obra imponiendo condiciones de trabajo más favorables a sus intereses, con el acoso lo que se busca es causar un daño al trabajador socavando su personalidad. El interés organizativo de la empresa no se presenta en primer plano, pues resulta obvio que la existencia de un clima hostil en el lugar de trabajo no lo procura, como tampoco la utilización del trabajador en actividades inútiles, irrealizables o repetitivas".

Pues bien, no pueden calificarse en modo alguno de acoso moral, si bien son obvio las relaciones del trabajador con su superior no son buenas, si no hay hechos ni indicios que revelen la existencia de un hostigamiento, con una constancia en el tiempo de mínimum seis meses y con la finalidad de dañar la dignidad del trabajador.

Y al final pero no menos importante hay que decir que el acoso laboral, mobbing, puede hacerse en todas direcciones, vertical desde el superior hacia el trabajador o al revés, o horizontalmente entre los trabajadores.

En todo caso, si quieres saber más ponte en contacto con nosotros en UGT, aquí sabemos explicar los derechos y aconsejarte correctamente. Estamos en la 6ª planta en Diagonal lunes a viernes de 8:30h a 16:30h, (normalmente), también puedes enviarnos un mail.