lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019


The 24/09 is a bank holiday in Barcelona. If you work on this day you will get extra paid plus a day of.
For further information:

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019


When you want to resign from your job here in our company there are some rules you need to know and some advices.

During trial period:
The trial period for “teleoperador” is 1 month, for “gestor”, (which is most of us) 2 month, and for qualified technical staff it is maximum 6 month. NOTE: if you are sick during trial period the period will be extended with the same numbers of days that you are sick.

Resigning during the trial period do not have any notice period, this can be done instantly. The same goes for the company, they can end your contract with no notice during the trial period.

After trial period:
Once you have passed the trial period you have to notify your resignation with 15 days minimum if you are on level 5 or higher, (gestor is level 9) , 1 month if you are on level 3 and 4, and 2 month if you are on level 1 and 2, (counted from the day after you hand in the paper). Our company do have a template you can use, you find it in NEO searching for “baja voluntaria”. Remember to print 2 copies, one for you where the company sign as received and one for the company. Do note that you are not obligated to use this template by law nor collective agreement.

When you resign remember to write the dates correctly, the date you hand it in and the date of the last working day.

Resigning during unpaid leave
When you resign during an unpaid leave you still have the notice period, but you do not write a last working date, because you are not working. All you need is the date you write it and then you just write that you are giving the notice period according to our collective agreement. This you can do by email, just remember to ask for a confirmation so you know they have received/seen it.

For further information contact us

martes, 20 de agosto de 2019


Vacaciones denegadas

Según el estatuto de los trabajadores art. 38, el trabajador tiene que conocer la fecha de inicio de sus vacaciones con mínimo dos meses. Es decir, el trabajador debería solicitar las dos meses y una semana antes para que la empresa tiene la posibilidad de responder y organizar el trabajo. La empresa puede denegar la solicitud si hay causa justificada; si no hay posibilidad de liberarle del puesto, (si hay otros compañeros que tienen vacaciones en las mismas fechas, etc.).

Según el art. 14 del convenio colectivo la empresa puede hacer contratos eventuales por circunstancias de la producción durante el periodo vacacional para sustituir el personal que disfrutan sus vacaciones.

¿qué hacer si la empresa deniega la solicitud de vacaciones sin causa justificada?

Primero, es importante tener todo en escrito para demostrar los hechos.
Segundo, con las pruebas el trabajador puede denunciar la denegación directamente al juzgado de lo social de Barcelona sin el uso de un abogado. La denuncia no tiene coste ninguno y será procedimiento rápido. La sentencia no es recusable, es definitivo.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2019


¿Tienes días de compensación no planificados?

¿Te rechaza tu solicitud de vacaciones porque tienes que disfrutar los días de compensación primero?

Si ha pasado más que cuatro meses desde que has generado el día de compensación, pide que te pagan el día; mejor tener el dinero en el banco que en la empresa, y tiene el derecho que te pagan según el art. 35 del ET.

Ponte en contacto con nosotros para más información.

viernes, 2 de agosto de 2019


La duración del período de prueba será variable en función de la naturaleza de los puestos a cubrir, sin que, en ningún caso pueda exceder de seis meses para el personal técnico titulado, un mes para el personal teleoperador cualquiera que fuera su nivel, quince días para el personal no cualificado, y dos meses para los restantes niveles.

Las situaciones de incapacidad laboral y maternidad que pudieran afectar a las personas empleadas durante el periodo de prueba, interrumpirán el cómputo del mismo, que se reanudará a partir de la fecha de la reincorporación efectiva al trabajo.

Será nulo el pacto que establezca un periodo de prueba cuando el trabajador o trabajadora haya desempeñado las mismas funciones con anterioridad en la empresa, bajo cualquier modalidad de contratación.

Entonces, es igual que la empresa pone en el contrato, no puede poner algo que está en contra el convenio colectivo.

viernes, 19 de julio de 2019


El Estatuto de los Trabajadores, art. 35 sobre horas extraordinarias:

1. Tendrán la consideración de horas extraordinarias aquellas horas de trabajo que se realicen sobre la duración máxima de la jornada ordinaria de trabajo, fijada de acuerdo con el artículo anterior. Mediante convenio colectivo o, en su defecto, contrato individual, se optará entre abonar las horas extraordinarias en la cuantía que se fije, que en ningún caso podrá ser inferior al valor de la hora ordinaria, o compensarlas por tiempos equivalentes de descanso retribuido. En ausencia de pacto al respecto, se entenderá que las horas extraordinarias realizadas deberán ser compensadas mediante descanso dentro de los cuatro meses siguientes a su realización.

2. El número de horas extraordinarias no podrá ser superior a ochenta al año, salvo lo previsto en el apartado 3. Para los trabajadores que por la modalidad o duración de su contrato realizasen una jornada en cómputo anual inferior a la jornada general en la empresa, el número máximo anual de horas extraordinarias se reducirá en la misma proporción que exista entre tales jornadas.

A los efectos de lo dispuesto en el párrafo anterior, no se computarán las horas extraordinarias que hayan sido compensadas mediante descanso dentro de los cuatro meses siguientes a su realización.

El Gobierno podrá suprimir o reducir el número máximo de horas extraordinarias por tiempo determinado, con carácter general o para ciertas ramas de actividad o ámbitos territoriales, para incrementar las oportunidades de colocación de los trabajadores en situación de desempleo.

3. No se tendrá en cuenta, a efectos de la duración máxima de la jornada ordinaria laboral, ni para el cómputo del número máximo de las horas extraordinarias autorizadas, el exceso de las trabajadas para prevenir o reparar siniestros y otros daños extraordinarios y urgentes, sin perjuicio de su compensación como horas extraordinarias.

4. La prestación de trabajo en horas extraordinarias será voluntaria, salvo que su realización se haya pactado en convenio colectivo o contrato individual de trabajo, dentro de los límites del apartado 2.

5. A efectos del cómputo de horas extraordinarias, la jornada de cada trabajador se registrará día a día y se totalizará en el periodo fijado para el abono de las retribuciones, entregando copia del resumen al trabajador en el recibo correspondiente.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

When you are dismissed

When you are dismissed here in Spain , the company asks you to sign a heap of papers, such as; payslip, FINIQUITO (settlement), a document stating that you have received the money, a dismissal letter, and a document with a copy of the check they give you, etc.

Most important is what the company have to pay you.

They have to pay you your salary until the last day, and as here in Spain usually nothing is logical, what is the last day? You have a certain number of hours you work per week, these hours generate the right to relax 2 days, for many people that is Saturday and Sunday. So, if you have worked all your hours for the week on the day they dismiss you, they have to pay you for 7 days that week, and not for 5 days (or less). How to explain this better? Easily; If you have 1 day of unjustified absence, they deduct 1,4 day of your salary. The 0,4 is the right to relax you have generated (or not generated in this case) for this day.

Then they have to pay you your variable proportionally until the last day.

Then there are holidays. According to our collective agreement you have 32 calendar days per year, or 23 if they are calculated in working days. So how do you calculate these days? Here in Spain, a year has 360 days when we talk about work (30 days per month). So, for each day you work, you generate the right to (32/360 or 23/360) days of holidays. Here again, you will see the 1,4 day, because when you work all your hours in a week it means you have worked 7 days, including the 2 days to relax.

If you have worked on a bank holiday, there is a compensation day they have to pay you out.
This is not all but if we were to inform you about all details, you would have to spend all day reading and in the end you would be more confused than you are now.

Therefore, we always recommend you ask for us to be present when you have to sign any papers so we can advice you correctly and see if all concepts are in the papers. We will advise you about your rights, obligations, and the options you have.

Remember, we do not only advise about dismissals. We advise you correctly about all work-related doubts you may have.

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019

MEDIATIC, reducing hours

In the Project located in the building Mediatic on the 4th floor, the company are “offering” the workers to reduce their weekly hours in order to avoid (more) dismissals.

ATTENTION! If you agree to reduce your hours this will have a negative effect on the calculation of the unemployment benefits when/if the company ends your contract during this summer, and remember, if you have less than 15 years to your retirement it also has a negative effect on the calculation for your pension.

We in UGT consider this to be a “ERTE”, (Temporary employment regulatory file) and we are looking into it to see what they are doing is legal or not.

REMEMBER, you are always in your rights to ask for our present when you are being called to a meeting, and we recommend you not to sign anything without consulting us first.

lunes, 25 de marzo de 2019



There is an agreement signed between some unions and the company saying that you must take out your compensations days before you can take out your vacation days.

UGT have NOT SINGED this agreement. We consider it as a violation of workers rights and therefore we are against.

Contact us for further information.


Hay un acuerdo firmado entre algunos sindicatos y la empresa en el que se dice que debes disfrutar tus días de compensaciones antes de las vacaciones.

UGT NO HA FIRMADO este acuerdo. Lo consideramos como una violación de los derechos de los trabajadores y, por lo tanto, estamos en contra.

Ponte en contacto con nosotros para más información.

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2019

HOW TO VOTE UGT, 20/02/2019

When you and your colleagues go to vote UGT, it is considered as effective working time. Remember to bring your access card. If the photo on your access card isn’t of a good quality so you can be recognized, you will have to bring ID with photo, DNI or Passport.

How to vote?

Go to the table where you find the ballots, chose the one with UGT, and only one, and do not write or draw anything on it, put it in an envelope and go to the election table. Show your ID and put the envelope in the box when your name has been verified. And that’s it. 😊

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2019

VOTE UGT, 20/09/2019


Who are the workers union UGT?
We are the workers legal representatives in Sellbytel Group SA, Barcelona

The work we from the UGT are doing, are among other jobs:
Negotiating with HR on the behalf on the workers, we are collaborating with the workers committee, and with others unions legally represented in Sellbytel, and among other things, we got one yearly holiday more, so we now do have 23 per year, we are trying to get a salary raise, seniority bonus, Christmas bonus, restaurant tickets, etc.
We are also the link between the workers and HR in case that the supervisor and/or manager cannot answer questions, or solve a request made by the worker, or if there is e dispute between the worker and a superior.

Among many things we have achieved:
Solution to the short day
That almost half of the workers in the company do have a fixed contract
That workers that have been placed in a wrong category are being corrected
Implementation of working calendar in all projects
One holiday more (now we have 23)
Change of the document for the taxes when you start in the company, (so now it is more correct)
You do not have to sign a voluntary leave in order to change project
We have solved many internal issues
We have improved the internal communication
We have created the health and security committee and the commission of equality
Thanks to our work you now get paid in January or Finiquito, according to the art. 50 in the Convenio.
Our main task is to ensure that everybody do have a job. So questions about how you can get dismissed, is not something that we can help you with.

Another main task is to ensure that the company policy don’t violate any laws or the collective agreement.

We do read all contracts, all papers given to the employees, we translate into English if somebody has problems with
We assist you in any questions you might have about the collective agreement or the Spanish labour law

We answer to all your work related questions you might have

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2019


On the 20th of February there are elections to the workers committee in Sellbytel Barcelona.


UGT created the workers committee in 2011, we do have many years of experience with the company, we know how the company works.

Some of the things we have achieved is:
·         Fixed contract when you change project
·         No obligated vacations
·         You get your settlement on your last working day
·         You can apply for a permit day to exam in another country, this cannot be denied
·         You get paid according to art. 50 in the collective agreement
·         We are at your disposal at any time, you just have to ask
·         You have your working calendar published before the year starts


Among our goals are:
·         Seniority payment
·         Paid lunch
·         More vacations days
·         More breaks
·         More salary on basic salary and less on bonus
·         Fixed working hours in contract
·         More cantinas in Diagonal
·         Longer permits when you must go abroad
·         Free coffee/tee/fruits every day
·         No warnings/sanctions
·         More and better training
·         Safe bicycle parking at all offices



El 20 de febrero hay elecciones para el comité de empresa


UGT creó el comité de trabajadores en 2011, tenemos muchos años de experiencia con la empresa, sabemos cómo funciona la empresa.

Algunas de las cosas que hemos logrado son:
         Contrato fijo al cambiar de proyecto.
         No hay vacaciones obligadas.
         Usted recibe su pago en su último día laborable
         Puede solicitar un día de permiso para un examen en otro país, esto no puede ser negado
         Te pagan según el art. 50 en el convenio colectivo
         Estamos a tu disposición en cualquier momento, solo tienes que preguntar
         Tienes tu calendario de trabajo publicado antes de que comience el año

Entre nuestras metas están:
         Pago de antigüedad
         Hora de comer pagado
         Más días de vacaciones.
         Más descansos
         Más pago en salario básico y menos en bonus
         horario fijo en el contrato.
         Más cantinas en Diagonal
         Permisos más largos cuando debes ir al extranjero.
         Café / té / frutas gratis todos los días.
         No faltas / sanciones
         Más y mejor formación.
         Aparcamiento seguro para bicicletas en todas las oficinas.


viernes, 1 de febrero de 2019

20th of February, elections to the workers committee

On the 20th of February we have elections to the workers committee here in Sellbytel Barcelona.
There will be a election table in each work center, so you don't have to go far. The time it takes to vote is considered as efective working time, and cannot be denied by your boss. But, do remember, you cannot all go on the same time. The time when you go and vote has to be organized.


miércoles, 16 de enero de 2019

Salary 2019

Now we have the new salary table for 2019. It will be signed on the 18th of January by UGT and after that it will have to be published on BOE, this take under normal circumstances 3 working days. This means that the Company can have problems with paying according to the new table in the end of January due to the fact that they do not start paying the new salary before it is published on BOE, if so they will pay accordingly in the end of February and here also pay what were missing on the January payment.

Contact us for any doubts you might have.